Internet account password: printables

Hello friends, as I promised HERE I'd be be back with some updated printables to go into the new PCS Binder. As I am slowly organizing our little binder and everything that goes into it, I am looking for flaws and ways to improve it.

Of course at this point there is still nothing in our future home section. We still have no clue where or even when at this point. School has been pushed back yet again. I continue to think of a little fish that was once lost. Yes, friends. I just keep swimming, keep swimming. If not I will sink. I have entirely to many little people that depend on me to do that. So I suck it up and drive on. Hurry up and wait, story of my life.

One of my biggest pet peeves, is the mumbled mess of chicken scratch that has been shoved into the finance area of our binder. This area contains my internet passwords that I would never remember, especially the accounts that are rarely used. So I decided to start there. Looking online found a bunch of internet account printables for inspiration. But, if you know me then you know that I want everything to match in my little book. Colorful is not what I'm going for. It seems everyone likes their planners to be rainbow brite status. I however am aiming for a little bit more streamlined and modern flair.

What's a girl to do? I made my own of course.

I made 2 separate printables this time. Lucky you, I'm gonna share them. The first is your basic list the one you can jot down your user name password and I added an email attached line, for those of you who like me have more than one email that you use on a daily basis.

You can grab that one HERE

The next one is for those accounts that make you change your password on a regular basis. Say every 30 days or so. This is where the chicken scratch gets real. I am constantly jotting down a new password and shoving the paper somewhere...anywhere. This one will help keep me organized. I just write the new password down on the following line. It also helps me keep track of my past passwords so I don't reuse them.

You can grab the rotating accounts printable HERE

I have been working on a few new printables all with the modern black and gold so it's all matchey matchy like I like. I also have a complete blog planner with the same style. So if this is something your intrested in be sure to subscribe so you never miss a new printable.

Until then,

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