Free Halloween Printable

Hello loves! Can you believe Halloween is literally less than a week away?!?  I know right!  This whole month has been a stressful one, to say the least. We have had a major fridge crisis and I'm asking you, how can one little thing such as a fridge throw your life into such turmoil?  I'm telling you this no fridge thing is for the birds.  

Any who I was looking at my nonexistent Halloween decorations this year and can say I've felt a little embarrassed.  Seems I lost the Halloween spirit somewhere in the midst of this months chaos. I have less than a week to salvage Halloween this year, so I threw together a little freeebie for myself and for you too!  

I've got two versions for you as well.

Download the white version Here

Download the black version here

I'm gonna get myself back on the holiday track before Halloween!  The holidays are my most favorite time of year!  Here's to a great start to the holiday season!


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